Whether you’ve scoped out the market and realized the need for a change or discovered a lack of inclusive representation, it’s time to help your organization become more diverse, equitable, and inclusive. With well-defined goals, you can propel impactful change within your company, cultivating higher levels of trust, engagement, and performance.
Work with us to explore your company's values and organizational objectives for growth, including motivators, pain points, and growth areas, to set benchmarks for goals to be measured and achieved.
Seventy percent of firms with two-dimensional diversity were likelier to have captured a new market within the past year. (HBR)
Diversity and inclusion help to create a positive brand image, helping to build an enhanced reputation and develop effective business relationships.
​According to a report by Harvard Business Review, firms with “two-dimensional” diversity are 45% likelier to report a growth in market share over the previous year and 70% likelier to report that the firm captured a new market.
Successful goals are actionable, measurable, and transparent. We ensure quantifiable progress can be taken with visibility across the organization.
Diversity roadmaps and action plans that drive genuine culture change.
Increasingly, businesses are recognizing the legal, moral, and financial benefits of adopting an inclusive leadership agenda. Inclusion is not just a problem to be solved but an employer value proposition, and a solution that can address many common operational challenges, including improving staff engagement, loyalty, innovation, and enhancing customer service. We have extensive expertise in evaluating organizations' leadership strategies and providing recommendations for practical action. Our goal is to help businesses harness the power of inclusion to drive positive outcomes.
PresentationsOur presentations are enriched by the lessons we have learned by coaching diverse organizations and individuals. Your audience will gain practical insight from our lived and work experiences. We will not only teach your leaders how to authentically increase employee engagement and enthusiasm, but we will also show them how to boost team morale and motivation in order to achieve organizational success. Equip your leaders and managers with the necessary tools which inspire organizational greatness and synergy.
PanelsIt is important for audiences to feel represented at events, in order to unlock innovation and empower positive change. A diverse panel allows attendees to see themselves on stage, and therefore strive to push the boundaries of their respective industries, and reframe their perspectives. If you value intersectionality as a framework for deeper understanding, your inclusive conference panels conference panel encouraging a diverse array of opinions, experiences, and beliefs is one we’d love to be a part of.
RoundtablesTo lead with an inclusion lens, it's important to be willing to adapt your communication, behavior, and thought processes when interacting with people from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and experiences. In today's increasingly multicultural and multifaceted organizations and teams, it's common for people to lack the necessary training to lead and communicate across dimensions of diversity effectively. One way to address this gap is by hosting a round table or forum to discuss inclusive leadership and brand development with your leadership team.
WorkshopsIf you're looking to involve your leaders in setting the strategic roadmap and vision for your corporation, consider hosting an interactive workshop. This is a more interactive and engaging way to gather input and ideas from your leaders, rather than simply sending them a questionnaire. At the workshop, we can facilitate discussions and activities to help your leaders feel more invested in the process and contribute to the development of a solid brand strategy. If you need help with delivery, let us know! We’re here for it, and here to lead it.
Advisory CouncilsBoards of directors typically strive to create well-rounded boards with the necessary skills and capabilities to govern their organizations effectively. However, there may be times when the board lacks expertise in a particular area and could benefit from the guidance of an outside professional. In these cases, it can be helpful to have an advisory council member with specialized knowledge to fill that gap and provide valuable insights. This is just one example of how an advisory council member can support and enhance the work of the board.
FacilitationIn order to create the most effective facilitation activities for your organization, we will first familiarize ourselves with your culture and values by reviewing relevant documents and speaking with key figures as needed. We will also conduct a needs analysis to understand your current challenges and key messages. As experts in inclusive leadership, we will ensure that diversity, equality, and inclusion principles are integrated into the design process of the interactive session for your delegates. Our goal is to create a tailor-made experience that reflects your unique context and needs.
Sixty percent of companies use metrics to measure the success of their diversity and inclusion efforts. (Forbes)
According to a Forbes Insights Survey, 60% of companies use metrics to measure the success of their diversity and inclusion efforts. As such, you need to have a quantifiable way of assessing your DEI goals. There are various DEI metrics you can choose to track, depending on what areas of diversity, equity, and inclusion you’re addressing.
​We help you uncover what’s holding your leaders back and work with them closely to drive their reputation, influence, and presence in the business world.